Operational since 1948, BRAS Chemicals is one of the biggest Speciality Chemicals Exporter, Manufacturer and Supplier in India. 

We're here to help

customer support BRAS Chemicals - Bharat Rasayan Advanced Specialty Chemicals

Pre-Sales Support

Provide detailed product brochures, catalogs, and datasheets for potential customers to explore.

conversation 1 BRAS Chemicals - Bharat Rasayan Advanced Specialty Chemicals

Enquiry & Technicalities

Offer a section for technical queries related to product composition, compatibility, and safety.

blood test BRAS Chemicals - Bharat Rasayan Advanced Specialty Chemicals

Sampling Support

A form where customers can request product samples before placing a full order. Include details on the availability, timeline for dispatch, and any applicable charges (if any).

call center BRAS Chemicals - Bharat Rasayan Advanced Specialty Chemicals

Ordering Support

Explain how customers can place orders, including online, email, or through sales representatives.

logistics BRAS Chemicals - Bharat Rasayan Advanced Specialty Chemicals

Logistics Support

Offer support for dealing with export documentation, customs requirements, and import/export regulations.

sales BRAS Chemicals - Bharat Rasayan Advanced Specialty Chemicals

Post-Sales Support

Provide assistance for troubleshooting, resolving technical issues, or addressing concerns regarding product efficacy.